If you want to promote Safety C.O.D.E. you must display both the Safety C.O.D.E. logo and the Cognitive Institute logos on the same document, artwork or promotional item. The preferred placement of these logos is top right and bottom right of the document. Alternatively, the Safety C.O.D.E. logo can also appear as a heading. To promote any other programme or involvement with Cognitive Institute, use the Cognitive Institute logo.
Do I always have to use TM when I mention Safety C.O.D.E. or Speaking Up for Safety in text?
No. Use TM once, the first time the term is used either in text or as a logo. For subsequent references you do not need to use the TM.
How do I acknowledge Cognitive Institute’s work in a presentation or document I am working on?
There are two ways you can acknowledge Cognitive Institute’s intellectual property:
Reference the work of Cognitive Institute using a recognised citation or referencing system, and in accordance with organisational or publication style guides eg, Vancouver, American Psychological Association, Harvard.
Contact Cognitive Institute in writing, outlining the content you wish to use, where and when it will be published, and the purpose of publication. Only once permission is granted ensure the following words appear alongside relevant material: This content is reproduced with permission of Cognitive Institute [date].
Can I just use the Safety C.O.D.E. logo by itself?
As a general rule, no. Whenever you wish to display the Safety C.O.D.E. logo, the Cognitive Institute logo must also appear on the same document, artwork or promotional item.There may be some applications where this request is not realistic eg, the placement of the logo on a pen. In these circumstances please consult Cognitive Institute in advance of the logo’s use.
I want to put Cognitive Institute’s logo on our intranet to acknowledge them as a partner of our organisation, how do I do this?
After reading this guide email Cognitive Institute’s Marketing Communications Officer and outline your request. This will help us ensure we provide you with the correct logo for your needs.
Once you have received the logo artwork, create a draft or mock-up of how the logo will appear on your intranet page, remembering to observe clear space, minimum size and preferred placement requirements outlined in this document.
Send your draft or mock-up to Cognitive Institute’s Marketing Communications Officer for review and approval.
Once approval is granted you can publish your page.
I am on a tight deadline, how long will it take for Cognitive Institute to approve my artwork?
We will to respond to your request as quickly as possible. If you have a fixed deadline, please let us know and we will do our best to accommodate your request. Ensuring you read and comply with these guidelines will also expedite the approval process.
Do you have a PowerPoint template I can use for my presentation about our organisation’s work to improve safety?
Your organisation should be guided by the details of your agreement with Cognitive Institute and the use of Cognitive Institute’s intellectual property.
As an alternative, you can use your organisation’s PowerPoint template, but co-brand your presentation to feature both your organisation’s logo and the Cognitive Institute logo.
Can I change the colours of the Safety C.O.D.E. logo to match our corporate colours?
No. The Safety C.O.D.E. logo has been created to mirror the Cognitive Institute masterbrand. Colours within the logo must not be altered.
Who do I send my artwork to for approval?
Once you have completed the Checklist on page 31 of this document, email your draft or mock-up to for review and approval to:
Some of these guidelines seem different to how I have seen the Cognitive Institute or Safety C.O.D.E. logo used elsewhere.
These guidelines have been developed for use by our external stakeholders, in reflection of their needs.
Documents produced directly by Cognitive Institute may vary in some ways from these guidelines. You should be guided by this document in the first instance. If you have any additional questions please contact Cognitive Institute’s Marketing Communications Officer.